REFERENCESWhere have you seen or heard about us?In addition to volunteering at many Boy Scout events over the years, Earth Connection has been featured in Conde Nast Traveller Magazine, the Washington Post newspaper and several local publications. We appeared on the National Geographic Today news program teaching reporter Kristin Whiting how to make a friction fire, and she got it (Jan. 18, 2001). We have also been featured live on Good Morning America teaching Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Tony Perkins the Weatherman how to make friction fire with the Bow Drill (Jan. 23, 2001). We were sponsored by Men's Journal to provide workshops at Camp Jeep 2001 (July 26-28, 2001). Earth Connection was back again at Camp Jeep 2003 (June 26-28, 2003) sponsored this time by Men's Journal and Rolling Stone Magazine.
Tim and Hue on National GeographicTim and Hue received a rare privilege last year. In October and again in December we were involved in the filming of two programs for National Geographic's new show Wild Chronicles hosted by Boyd Matson. In the first episode we showed Boyd how to use the Bow Drill, and in the second we shared some shelter building techniques. The bow drill show should be airing now, check your local PBS listings. Thank you to Boyd, Kevin, Jason, Buddy, Eduardo and all of the other great people that we enjoyed working with.
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