School Store
Getting ready for your upcoming class?Interested in the books written by the school founder and head instructor?
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Prepare For Anything is Tim's first book and it was a New York Times Bestseller.
Prepare is a great introducton into disaster preparedness and general survival skills.
The Hunting and Gathering Survival Manual is Tim's second book and also an NY Times Bestseller.
Learn to forage, cook, fish, preserve food, hunt and trap with this comprehensive book.
How To Survive Anything is Tim's third book and also a NY Times Bestseller.
Tim's third title walks you through dozens of survival scenarios - ranging from very likely to far out.
The Winter Survival Handbook is Tim's fourth book.
Fight the cold with this specialized handbook on winter survival.
How To Survive Off The Grid is Tim's fifth book.
Looking to build a survival retreat, or just live a more self-reliant life? This is the book for you!
The Ultimate Bushcraft Survival Manual is Tim's sixth book.
Learn to thrive in the wild with these historic and primitive survival skills.
Ultimate Survival Hacks is Tim's seventh book.
Turn the junk you have into the stuff you need to survive!