Event Descriptions

Earth Connection is very pleased to announce a series of primitive skills gatherings hosted by the Earth Connection Family of schools. The events will be run at our Virginia camp near Fredericksburg, Va. The events will happen each season and be closely tied to the traditional skills and activities of that time of year. Wolf Moon Camp and Thunder Moon Camp will be for participants 18 and older only. Spring Moon Camp and Hunter's Moon Camp will be for individuals and families of all ages. Please join us as we celebrate our primitive skills community and the abundance of each season. More detailed descriptions will be added soon.

These are 3 day events, Friday thru Sunday.  If you can only do Saturday - Sunday, we are offering a "2 day ticket" at $150.

Wolf Moon Camp - Our Winter Primitive Skills Gathering - Jan 16 thru 18 - $200

The Wolf Moon is the season when our ancestors would draw close together as the hungry wolves howled around the edges of their camp.  Join us as we make use of this cold season with our theme of "Winter Skills and Crafts".  This event is for ages 18 and up.  Lessons currently being planned include Flint knapping, Pottery Making and Pottery Firing with special guest instructor Keith Grenoble - Brain tanning and making things from buckskin with special guest instructor Natalie Bogwalker - Wilderness Self Defense with Earth Connection North Carolina - Winter wild edible plants with Hue Hueston - Friction Fire with the Bow Drill and Grass Coil Basketry from Tim MacWelch - Primitive Winter shelters, Coal burning wood bowls, String and fiber arts, Primitive jewelry and more.

Spring Moon Camp - Our Spring Primitive Skills Gathering - Apr 3 thru 5 - $200 (special prices for families)

The Spring Moon is the season when our ancestors would enjoy the return of warmth, plant life and fish. This event's theme is "Plants, Fishing and Water". This event is family friendly and all ages are welcome. Lessons currently being planned include Primitive fishing with a special guest instructor, Spring Wild Edible plants with Hue, Fire with Tim, Water purification with Hue, Kids classes with Hardee Merritt, Modern Survival with Tim, Organic gardening with Tim, Herbal Medicine class with a special guest instructor + much more.  Individuals are $200 each.  Parents with kids attending are $150 for parents and $50 per kid 6 & over.  Age 5 and under are free!

Thunder Moon Camp - Our Summer Primitive Skills Gathering - Jul 10 thru 12 - $200

The Thunder Moon is the season of storms. It is also known as Buck Moon, the season when Bucks are growing their velvet covered antlers in preparation of Fall. This event's theme is "Camp Skills and Preparation for the Hunt". This event is for ages 18 and up. Lessons currently being planned include Survival Shelters with Tim, Primitive Cooking with Hue, Self Defense with Quest Tactical Solutions, Summer Wild Edibles with Hue, Home Brewing ale and wine, Fire with Tim, Tracking with Hue, Modern Survival with Tim, Gourds with Jamey + much more.

Hunter's Moon Camp - Our Fall Primitive Skills Gathering - Oct 9 thru 11 - $200 (special prices for families)

The Hunter's Moon is the time of Hunting and Trapping. This is our theme for our all ages Fall gathering. Lessons currently being planned include Bow and arrow making and shooting with a special guest instructor; Atl-atl, Sling and Bola with Tim, Hide Tanning with Tim, Jerky and Food pres with Hue, Trapping with Hue, Fall Wild Edibles with Hue, Fire with Tim, Kids classes with Hardee, Deer Butchering with Tim and Hue, + much more. We can't wait! Individuals are $200 each. Parents with kids attending are $150 for parents and $50 per kid 6 & over.  Age 5 and under are free!

Moon Camp Details

If you cannot make it to all 3 days, TWO DAY Admissions are available for $150 per person. 
Parents with kids attending are $100 for 2 Days, Kids are still $50 for 2 Days at Spring & Hunter's Moon. Please mark "2 DAY" on your application form.

These four events will be held at Earth Connection Virginia's camp site for a limited number of people.  Parking will be self serve in a large flat field 100 yards from camp.  Instructor, special guest and disabled parking will be in the regular lot much closer to camp.  Campers, trailers and small RV's are permitted, but there is no water or electric hook up.  Our existing outhouse, plus composting toilets will be on site. The events will be three day, two night campouts with arrival (and conveniently located sign-in) opening the day before the event at 5pm on Thursday.  Travelers may arrive a day early and stay a day late.  The Winter and Summer events are 18 and up only.  The Spring and Fall events are all ages.  Participants must bring and prepare their own food and drinks.  Please come prepared with water and cooking equipment.  There will be 2 program slots per day with several different lessons running at the same time.  Sign up for program slots will be upon arrival, first come - first sign up.  A lunch break will divide the two time slots.  Friday and Saturday night will have a campfire gathering of all participants, with entertainment.  Friday thru Sunday will have a wake up call at 7:30am, have your breakfast done and be ready for class by 8:45am at which time a very brief group meeting will take place announcing who, what, where, when.  If you are arriving Friday morning, be here and sign in by no later than 8:30.  First lesson starts at 9am and runs to 12:30.  Lunch will be 12:30 to 1:30.  Second lesson will be 1:30 to 6.  Dinner break from 6 to 8.  Evening campfire entertainment from 8 to 9.  Night owls can stay up in the far away camp area.  Early to bed types will have their own camp area.  Sunday will have the same time table except we will end the event at 6.  More details and instructor info will be forthcoming soon.

Copyright © 2000 Earth Connection School of Wilderness Survival and Ancient Skills

All text, photos, and graphics are protected by copyright. No part of this website may be copied or reproduced without the permission of Earth Connection. Violators are subject to prosecution under penalty of law.

Contact Information
Telephone: 540-270-2531
Mailing Address: PO Box 32 Somerville VA 22739
Email: econnect@earth-connection.com