Course Information


Our new Workstudy days are a little different from our normal classes and workshops. No class manuals are provided and there won't be much lecture. You'll learn through hands-on work.

These dates are only open to existing students and space is limited. There is no monetary fee for each Workstudy day, you'll pay for your spot with 30 minutes of camp chores.


Please sign up by filling out a registration form as if you were signing up for a regular class. Make a note in the form of your most recent class attendence, as this is only for returning students. Close out of the Paypal page - no payment is required!

Each Workstudy will be filled on a first come-first served basis. Each day will run from 9am to 2pm. Please bring a lunch and drinks for yourself.


Look for these in 2019!

Please let us know if you have any questions or topic requests!

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