Course Information

The Ultimate Survival Hacks Class

Learn to transform everyday objects into lifesaving gear - and have a great time doing it! This class is all about transforming the stuff you have into the vital supplies you need.

Tim's newest book The Ultimate Guide To Survival Hacks will be available fall 2018, and this class represents the best survival hacks from the guy who wrote the book on it.


  • Learn some crazy shortcuts in friction fire making
  • Discover how to make fire with with a household chemical  
  • Make strong rope from trash bags and water bottles
  • Create a shelter from the cold with ordinary paper

  • and so much more
All totaled. we have over 80 hacks to present in our customary hands-on manner. These hacks will cover shelter, water, fire, food, emergency medicine and more topics.
Who said survival has to be hard? Hacks can make it easy, and as you'll see, surprisingly fun!
This class will run again on Sunday December 8, 2019.
Can't wait until then? Get the book that inspired this class!

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